2023 Documentation Guidelines Components/Tips

professional development

* A “medically appropriate” history and physical – This should accurately represent your patient’s presentation & provide a rationale for your medical decisions for evaluation and management (E/M)

* Medical Decision Making (MDM) – This is the driving influence on the CPT code selection for the E/M level of service (LOS) you document. MDM has 3 components with the LOS based on 2 of these being met. Focus on appropriately documenting the objective items listed in the first two components (COPA & Data) since much of the meaning of Risk in the 2023 documentation guidelines is unclear/subjective.

1. Number & Complexity of Problems Addressed (COPA) during the encounter:

Important distinctions between levels of service will be shown by the appropriate use of specific descriptive phrases. Additionally, documentation of the use of a risk calculator to determine the need for additional testing or treatment is an indicator of the complexity of the problems addressed.

Moderate: 1 or more chronic illnesses with exacerbation, progression, or side effects of treatment; 1 undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis; 1 acute illness with systematic symptoms; 1 acute complicated illness. Comorbidities only increase MDM if they are addressed during the encounter.

High: 1 or more chronic illnesses with severe exacerbation, progression, or side effects of treatment; 1 acute or chronic illness or injury that poses a threat to life or bodily function.

2. Amount &/Or Complexity of Data to be Reviewed & Analyzed:

Combinations of data reviewed count towards higher levels of MDM. Specifically document your ordering, review, or discussion of the following:

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3. Risk of Complications/Morbidity/Mortality of patient management decisionsmade regarding the patient's problem(s), diagnostic procedure(s) and treatment(s):



Stable: For the purposes of categorizing comorbidities in the MDM, stable is defined by the specific treatment goals for an individual patient. A patient who is not at their treatment goal is not stable even if the condition has not changed and there is no short term threat to life or function.

Split/shared services for 2023: The shared visit must be reported by the physician, NP, or PA who has performed the substantive portion of the visit. For ED patients the substantive portion is defined as documenting in its entirety either the history, exam, or MDM portion of the note.

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